095 - How to Prepare for your First Adventure Photography Session

Hello adventurous photographers! Today, I'm excited to share some valuable tips on how to prepare for your first outdoor adventure photo session. Whether you are venturing into the great outdoors with a couple, family, athletes, or solo subjects, this guide will help you create spectacular content while maximizing safety and efficiency.

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who has been supporting and listening to The Travel and Adventure Photography School podcast. We recently hit a milestone of 50,000 downloads! Thank you for making this journey so wonderful.

Preparations and Questions

Before setting out for an outdoor shoot, there are various questions you need to answer. Are your subjects experienced in the chosen activity, or are they beginners? Are you working with pro athletes or weekend warriors? The answers will determine your approach and the kind of preparations you need to make. It is essential to gauge both your and your subject's capabilities, especially considering safety and comfort.

The Importance of a Script and a Mood Board

When it comes to executing your first adventure shoot successfully, the importance of a mood board cannot be overstated. The mood board visually lays out the style and feel of the shoot. Collaborate with your subjects to ensure alignment with the vision and expected outcome of the photoshoot.

Location Scouting and Backup Plans

Prepping for an outdoor adventure shoot also involves scouting the location - assessing its condition, potential hazards, and viewpoints. It's crucial to have alternatives in case things don't go as planned. The last thing you want is an obstructed trail or a full parking lot on the day of your shoot. Preparing backup locations ensures that you're familiar with other possibilities, helping you avoid unnecessary stress.

Building a Shot List

Creating a shot list is key to maintaining efficiency during the shoot. This includes tracking specific shots you need, avoiding repetition, and making sure you’re telling a complete story. Remember, you want to capture the entire journey, not just the main event. Be ready to firm up timelines with your subjects too.

Gear Check and Other Considerations

As obvious as it might sound, ensure your gear is ready - charged, clean, packed, and good to go. This also means making sure your adventure equipment is prepped. You don’t want to be the one holding everyone back because something critical was overlooked.

Quick tip: I prefer having a checklist to ensure I don’t miss anything.

Day of the Shoot

Arrive early, explore the surroundings, and double-check your gear. This gives you an edge as you start the shoot - you're more relaxed and can engage better with your subjects. The goal is to enjoy and document the adventure. Therefore, safety must remain paramount.

Wrapping Up

Your first adventure shoot may be challenging, but rest assured, it gets easier and more exciting with every subsequent shoot. The key lies in meticulous preparation and maintaining the spirit of creativity and adventure. Remember, you're getting paid to do what you love — capturing the outdoors.

Thanks for reading and for following my podcast. I am eager to hear how these insights help you on your first adventure shoot! Until next time, stay creative, adventurous, and safe!


094 - How to Use Storytelling to Enhance Your Adventure Photography